Home Sweet Own 42 Book Challenge
1) Fiction – A story about not-real people
2) Nonfiction – About real people and/or real events
3) Sci-Fi – Another fairly simple genre category
4) Fantasy – A book that takes you to a whole other world
5) Mystery – Someone did something somewhere and someone else has to figure out what happened
6) Horror – A book that should not be read before bed
7) Memoir/Biography – A book by or about a real person’s life
8) Chick Lit – Fluffy fiction for women by women.
9) Feminist – A book that supports women are equals to men
10) Teen – A book geared toward the under 21 crowd
11) Holiday – A book about or on theme with a holiday
12) Essays – Collected works of short nonfiction
13) Short Stories – Collected works of short fiction
14) Library – Something borrowed from the library
15) Animal – One or multiple animals play a vital role in the story
16) Book about Books – A book about books or their importance to someone
17) New – A book I obtained within 3 months of starting it
18) Old – A book I’ve had collecting dust for longer than 6 months
19) Pop Science – A book about science written for a broad audience
20) Near – A book that takes place in my tri-state area
21) Far – A book that takes place somewhere far from the DC/Baltimore area
22) Graphic Novel – A trade form of a graphic novel or comic book series
23) Reread – A book I’ve read before
24) Wild Card – Whatever I want
25) Otherworldly Creature – Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, fairies, and/or other creatures not of our world
26) Free – A book I got for the low, low price of free
27) Noteworthy – The book is a critical darling, labeled ‘noteworthy,’ or a major award winner
28) Bestseller –If a scale is needed, I’ll use the NYT bestseller list
29) Themed Anthology – A collection of different works by different people but one element ties the stories together
30) Steampunk – Some form of fiction that falls in this fantasy subgenre
31) Movie-Book – A book that has been made into a movie
32) Media – A book that focuses on film/TV/music
33) Travel – Someone went somewhere new and did stuff
34) Food – Food plays an integral role in the book
35) Classic – A book that has endured long enough for B&N to make a discount edition
36) Humor – Something funny
37) Poetry – A beautiful form of storytelling, I don’t read enough poetry
38) Past – A book set in times that have gone by
39) Future – A book occurring in a time yet to come
40) Dystopia/Post-Apocalyptic – Either the world has mostly ended or has changed dramatically and not for the best
41) Zombie – Growing in popularity, this subgenre deserves some exploring
42) Sports – A book about a sport or a player
Short stories is just collect works of short fiction. Themed anthologies is different stories by different writers with one common thread. I always find it fascinating what different writers will do with the same prompt. Noteworthy and Bestseller can go hand-in-hand but Tori Spelling is a New York Times bestselling author. She’s probably still waiting for her National Book Award nomination.
Zombie and Steampunk get their own category because they’ve really taken off as subcultures. There are zombie walks, charity races, and conventions. In addition to cons, I’ve seen steampunk in different movies and TV shows. Each novel set in its respective world can have its own set of rules and possibilities.
Dystopia and Post-Apocalyptic are lumped together because one generally begets the other. They blend together so well that it didn’t make sense to split them up or exclude one.
Current Music: Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding
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