Monday, July 14, 2014

Movement in the Wrong Direction

A FB friend of mine posted this. The fact that these movements even exist is a ridiculous and grand display of ignorance and privilege. 

"Financial and child support shouldn't exist"
I disagree 100%. Kids are expensive, especially if you've got them most of the time. Clothes, laundry, utilities, groceries, activity fees, doctor's appointments, sports physicals, birthday presents for friend's parties, field trips, uniforms, school projects, etc. How many of these costs would a father absorb if he isn't holding primary custody? 

How much earning potential did his wife lose while she took time off to raise the kids? Was it maternity leave, leave of absence, going back part-time? Our country has no mandatory leave for new mothers or fathers so her job might not have been waiting for her. If she never went back to work her earning potential dropped significantly. Why should a man get custody if he wants to wash his hands of any fiscal responsibility?

"Women can simply choose not to marry violent men" 
There is a great deal of psychology and mental manipulation that goes into creating emotionally and physically abusive relationships, most of which start just like any other relationship. It is never that simple.

In a grand display of ignorance, some of these men claim they were emotionally abused and still being manipulated by past partners. Why did they choose bad partners when it's so easy for women to simply make better choices?

The 'fake rape' bit is disgusting. These aren't "buyers remorse" women who regret a drunken indiscretion. Most of these women were raped by men who had no regard for consent or for her as a human being. The fact that these pieces of work insist on perpetuating these vicious stereotypes is an insult to all rape victims of any gender.

One guy admits to stalking his children because they were living with their mother. That's not denying you your rights, that's protecting your children because you're unstable. 

Everything about this movement from the shoddy statistics, selfish desires, lack of context for 'women's privilege,' and blatant hypocrisy reek of ignorance. 

Feminist websites are not 'enemy territory' to all men. We want equality, not superiority. Even if some militant feminists (a whole other rant) are the enemy, only a fool disregards his opponent so completely.

Men are absolutely abused and raped. They need voices, outlets, and resources. Men get a lot of body image issues from the media as well. They deserve voices and places to go for support. I completely agree with reshaping society so men can be caregivers or breadwinners, their choice. Men deserve the freedom to feel what they feel and not have to hide it.

We need to revamp how we define masculinity in our culture but what this particular 'subculture' offers is nothing new. It's the same old patriarchy in badly researched, victimized packaging. 

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