Anyone who took sex ed knows the fundamentals of the biology but it’s really interesting to get the refresher as an adult. There was a lot more information than I got in 7th grade. The role of the prostate for pleasure and biological function, the impact of testosterone on men’s overall wellbeing, and how men without testicles can have sex to name a few. It was exceptionally enlightening.
In addition to the biology, Morgentaler also included several anecdotes such as the twentysomething who faked it, the different effects of male menopause, or the guy who lost both testicles and wanted silicone implants. The human element really makes this book. Not only do you get inside of men’s bodies, you get inside their heads. Most men care more about satisfying their partner than themselves.
Men are just as complicated as women. A lot of their identity is tied into their penis and its functionality but men are not as emotionally shallow as the media makes them.
1) Fiction
2) Nonfiction – The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett
3) Sci-Fi – Redshirts by John Scalzi
4) Fantasy
5) Mystery
6) Horror
7) Memoir/Biography – Data, A Love Story by Amy Webb
8) Chick Lit – Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter
9) Feminist – Commencement by J. Courtney Sullivan
10) Teen – What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen
11) Holiday
12) Essays – What Was I Thinking? ed. by Barbara Davilman & Liz Dubelman
13) Short Stories
14) Library
15) Animal
16) Book about Books – Judging a Book By Its Lover by Lauren Leto
17) New – Pitch Perfect by Mickey Rapkin
18) Old – Dark and Stormy Knights edited by P. N. Elrod
19) Pop Science – Why Men Fake It by Abraham Morgentaler, MD
20) Near
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22) Graphic Novel – Love and Capes: Do You Want to Know a Secret? by Thomas F. Zahler
23) Reread – Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
24) Wild Card
25) Otherworldly Creature
26) Free – Point Your Face at This by Demetri Martin
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29) Themed Anthology – Red edited by Kris Goldsmith
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38) Past – Stasiland by Anna Funder
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