Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Little Question

My friend just started seeing somebody and she’s been doing something I think is very clever and cute. She’s been texting him random questions like “What’s your favorite color?” and “When you sleep alone, what’s your favorite PJs?”
I think that’s a really cute way to get to know somebody. You can take turns asking the person something you’re wondering about them. Dogs or cats? Favorite book? What music do you listen to when you’re sad? Pirate or ninja? Coffee or tea?
I’ve read several articles on Psychology Today about how regular contact reaffirms your connect and is good for your relationship. Of course it can probably also help you figure out  if you want a relationship with that person. 
I may have to try that with the next candidate for the role of my next boyfriend.
Current Music: A Heavy Abacus by The Joy Formidable


  1. Isn't that basically what we call getting to know each other? aka the building blocks of all personal relationships? as a guy, I become rather irate when I try to get to know a girl and she puts little to no effort in to learning about me, she instead glows in the attention I'm giving her and will continue talking about herself as long as possible....to all you women out there....the world doesn't revolve around you....remember that.

  2. Of course the point is to get to know someone but a random text question is a cute way to do it. It can also be a fun way to break up your day.

  3. Well then I put forth a challenge! I challenge you to get to know me! There will be a quiz at the end!
