Thursday, July 26, 2012

Weighing In

One of the ways men take power away from women is to demean their appearance. If people are busy judging their weight or outfits, you won’t focus on what they’re doing or saying.
This article perfectly illustrates that point. Feministing has a nice take on it as well.
Leisel Jones has won eight Olympic medals. She is at her fourth Olympic games. She is an accomplished athlete and an incredible woman. Few women on the planet are better at this event than she is. 

Are we talking about her odds of winning a medal? Are we hearing about her training schedule? Has anything changed for these games in particular? Will this be her final Olympics? Nope. We're not talking about any of that. The world is wondering if she's too fat.
I even heard there are sites where you could vote on whether you thought she was too fat. Who are the people voting on this? Probably your average overweight, under-active American sitting in their computer chair judging a person who can float faster than they can swim on a good day.
Michael Phelps might be looking good but word is he has a sorry-ass attitude. I think his fame went to his head and rumor has it he’s being a punk. Yeah it’s tough but it’s what you signed up for. Get butch superstar. Are we voting on whether or not he’s being a punk? Of course not. He’s a man and he’s a star. Why would people ever think about a thing like that?
I’m sure there’s several men competing in events who don’t look like they’re in peak shape. Are we talking about them? Can anybody name one without doing extensive research? Didn’t think so. I don't think mutual objectification is a solution but men are not judged the same way as women. If we were, this whole thing would sound as ridiculous as it should.
When I went to search for original and I didn’t find anything. After there was such an uproar, I’m such the Herald Sun took it down. It doesn’t make them any less wrong or sexist; just capable of damage control.

Current Music: Revolution by The Murder of My Sweet

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