The mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is a jackass. As someone who doesn’t live in New York, why do I feel this way? Because of his ‘Latch On’ initiative.
Starting in September, Bloomberg wants to change NYC hospital’s protocol for giving out baby formula to new mothers. They will cease giving out goodie bags with formula in it (that’s the hospital’s prerogative) and formula must be signed out like a prescription. Each time a mother gets formula, she must get lectured on why breast feeding is better for her child. Are you fucking kidding me?
Some women physically cannot breast feed. Whether it was because of a necessary breast reduction, reconstructive surgery, or a graduation gift is irrelevant. These women just went through something very traumatic for their bodies. Their hormones are still recalibrating and their getting used to their new post-childbirth bodies while caring for a very demanding little person. They can’t do it and lecturing them won’t fix that but it’s still appropriate to question her ability to care for her child?
And of the women who choose not to? It’s their kid, it’s their choice. I don’t know a lot about babies and breastfeeding but in NYC I have a hard time believing these women are making an uninformed decision. Unless Bloomberg is going to let some of these women come over and tell him how he’s screwing up his family, he needs to butt out.
And what about the women who are trying to breastfeed and it’s not working? Contrary to popular (male) belief, breastfeeding is not something that comes naturally to all women. I have read several essays and articles from new mothers who had a very difficult time getting breastfeeding right even with help.
Should the baby not get nourishment until the women can pony up for a lactation specialist? Several of the women who had difficulty breastfeeding reported that they were made to feel like less of a woman and mother. Is Bloomberg going to offer free classes to these women or just be condescending and unhelpful?
What gives Bloomberg the right to raise arms up against these women? Is he a lactation specialist? Did he start a second career as a doula? Is he some secretly fantastic breastfeeding father? Does he have breasts? Very much no.
Does he really have nothing better to do with his time? Is all the crime gone from NYC? Did all the drug dealers pack up shop? Are the leagues of homeless being shipped to New Jersey? Are the roads and subways are in perfect condition? No? Then clearly you have better things to worry about you insensitive jackass.
These are not his children. This is not his body. This is not something he could ever hope to understand. This is none of his business and the fact that he doesn’t see that deeply offends me as a woman.
Current Jams: Ghosts Are Gone by Stevie Nicks