Monday, April 1, 2013

Home Sweet Own Book 10

Whether you’re a Star Trek fan or don’t know Klingon from German, you’ve heard the jokes about the red shirts in the original series. The main cast plus an ensign in a red shirt go on an away mission and the red shirt bites it before the commercial. What if the Star Trek universe were real and all the red shirts on the ship were starting to figure it out? That’s what John Scalzi does in this novel.

I thought the premise was absolutely brilliant and it was executed with Scalzi’s trademark wit and sarcasm. I really enjoyed watching the characters piece together and figure out what was really going on. It’s one of the things I love about Jasper Fforde’s novels. They give the traditional narrative a whole new twist without ever breaking the fourth wall.

The Codas at the end were interesting. They were separate from the main narrative but added another layer to some of the other characters. Not to spoil anything but there are some characters that arrive later in the story that you don’t get to know well. This helps explain them and the aftermath of the main narrative. Scalzi uses the codas to explore them further. It’s not something writers often do so it added a really good perspective.

If you’re a sci-fi fan at all, you should read this (by should I mean ‘have to at your leisure’). If you’re any sort of Star Trek fan, you must read this. Faster would be better. It’s rare that I’ll force a book on someone so when I do, I mean it.

1) Fiction 
2) Nonfiction – The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett
3) Sci-Fi – Redshirts by John Scalzi
4) Fantasy 
5) Mystery 
6) Horror 
7) Memoir/Biography – Data, A Love Story by Amy Webb
8) Chick Lit – Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter
9) Feminist 
10) Teen 
11) Holiday 
12) Essays – What Was I Thinking? ed. by Barbara Davilman & Liz Dubelman
13) Short Stories 
14) Library 
15) Animal 
16) Book about Books 
17) New – Pitch Perfect by Mickey Rapkin
18) Old – Dark and Stormy Knights edited by P. N. Elrod
19) Pop Science 
20) Near 
21) Far 
22) Graphic Novel – Love and Capes: Do You Want to Know a Secret? by Thomas F. Zahler
23) Reread – Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
24) Wild Card 
25) Otherworldly Creature 
26) Free 
27) Noteworthy 
28) Bestseller 
29) Themed Anthology 
30) Steampunk 
31) Movie-Book 
32) Media  
33) Travel 
34) Food 
35) Classic 
36) Humor 
37) Poetry 
38) Past – Stasiland by Anna Funder
39) Future 
40) Dystopia/Post-Apocalyptic 
41) Zombie 
42) Sports

Current Music: Ironwing by Two Steps from Hell

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