Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Trippy Tuesday/Freaky Friday

I know a lot of people are saying a lot of things about the furlough and government shut down. It’s the equivalent of a temper tantrum by some Tea Party jerks that refuse to acknowledge Obamacare will happen. Some of them have even admitted they wanted a shut down!

I think the people who encouraged this have their head’s so far up their hindquarters they’re wearing their ass for a tie. I have friends who are directly impacted by this and will not get paid. It sucks and I wish they didn’t have to go through this.

What I’m not supposed to say is that I’d Freaky Friday with any federal employee in a heartbeat. I also am not supposed to say that I can’t really apply for a new job since who will be hiring? I live around a government town. If it shuts down most of the jobs go with it.

I’ve hinted that I’m not a big fan of my job but I’ve always avoided explaining why. Here are some good anecdotes that help paint a picture.

1) When I started at my current job we typically had casual Fridays and the 2nd or 3rd Friday would be birthday cake in the conference room. We were renegotiating our contract and the bossmen were not pleased with our terms. None of them were particularly unreasonable, just not to their liking. We got most of the things we wanted in our contract. The boss men canceled monthly birthdays and casual Fridays to express their displeasure.
The only birthday celebrations we’ve had since then are for executives and managers with big offices (only the ones with their own bathrooms). We can have cake if they feel like sharing. The only casual days we get are when we’ll be working the full day right before a major holiday.

2) This past March there was a day where major snow was expected. Most of my friends either had the day off or were allowed to work from home. Save one personal secretary, no admins have the option of working from home. Since many schools were closed the office was pretty empty. To say thanks for coming in the head of Department X took everyone who worked for that department out to lunch. Almost everyone.
I work for Department X. She forgot to invite me. It was my birthday.

3) I’ve been at my job since March 2010. On any given day I answer to 3 different managers. To this day, 2 out of 3 cannot say with any level of certainty if I’m married or not. I would bet money at least one doesn’t know I own dogs.

There is a lot I’m not saying but the bottom line is that I do not feel like a valued member of a team. My job has done nothing to invest in me or most of the other employees. Other departments make it crystal clear to their staff that they are disposable. Any relationship between coworkers is openly discouraged. We ‘joke’ that laughter will get us in trouble.

I do not want to diminish the situation of the people who will be out of work. Our government does not appreciate or acknowledge what this will mean for them. But there will be plenty of blogs, rants, articles, and news stories about what they’re going through. They have a voice. They don’t need mine.

This is my blog where I tell my thoughts and my story. My story right now envies almost everyone who will get laid off today. I sympathize and wish I could join you.

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