Thursday, October 31, 2013


It’s Halloween. Despite the number of hours left in the day, I feel like I’ve already missed it.

I usually do a bit of decorating, watch the few scary/slasher movies I can handle, catch TV specials, and do some Halloween reading. I haven’t had time to decorate, missed the Toy Story special both times it aired, haven’t read any of my favorite Halloween books, and forgot to watch my slasher movies.

On Halloween I usually go somewhere or do something. I went out last night and will be going out tomorrow so I don’t have the energy for 3 days in a row. I’m staying in this Halloween. I’ve been to other costume parties earlier this month but because of RenFest, that felt pretty normal to me.

Today was the first day I really got to feel Halloween-y and I don’t have enough time to enjoy it. I don’t have time to watch Identity and Sleepy Hollow (the movie), read The Gates or the giant Halloween anthology, and I’m not actually going anywhere tonight.

I think part of it was missing all the insane costumes on the Metro last weekend. I definitely missed some cool activities that would have put me in the spirit because I was off with The Boy. I don’t want to stop what I’m currently reading because I’m very into it. I may have to compensate and do some of this stuff in November or go very big next year.

Maybe watching a slasher movie at lunch would help or seeing my dogs in their costumes.

Music: Halloween by Aqua

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